"The Club UK party was a major success! The place was just rocking all night, the entire club was singing every track and least 50 people were still there at 5am singing long after the music had stopped. I didn't get home till 8am!!!!"
- Cass

"Thank you for making my week the best experience I've ever had! . You guys really rock. Everyone has described it much better than I can. It was just amazing to meet you all. I put Miranda on the plane back to hobbitland today, back from Planet Bowie to real life and REALITY ...."
- Jacqui

"Wow... that was one amazing week and it was fantastic to finally meet people who appreciate Bowie so much =) Felt a bit alone in this universe until now. Thanks for all the lovely comments on my Earthling jacket and for the prize on the night."
- Jay

"It had a tinge of an Irish wake about it for some of us as the tour stopped there after two solid weeks of madness, a much needed final blast before recovery sets in."
- Louise

"Whilst the concerts were incredible and something many of us have dreamed about for a long time, I think the highlight of this past week for me anyway was the CLUB UK party. Never have I felt so content with my surroundings and spiritually with the people around me. "
- Trent

"We had the most fantastic night. It was so great to just sing your guts out and dance all night. We are totally shattered now. Melbourne is the Coolest city, we will certainly be back."
- Lorette

"Let's hope we don't have to wait another 17 years to do it all again!!! Here's a copy of the setlist, for memories sake. I couldn't remember what order what songs were in, I was just as excited as everyone else on the night when the next track came on!"
- Cass
Young Americans
Sound And Vision
Station to Station
Under Pressure (Mike Spencer mix)
Let's Dance (single)
Looking For Water
Battle For Britain
Golden Years
Ashes To Ashes
Cat People (12" ext)
Watch That Man
Sweet Head
Breaking Glass
I Have Not Been To Oxford Town
Never Get Old
Look Back In Anger
Sex and the Church
Moonage Daydream
Without You I'm Nothing (Brothers in Rythym mix)
Ziggy Stardust
Width of a Circle
We Prick You
Drive In Saturday
20th Century Boy
Hallo Spaceboy
Lust For Life
The Jean Genie
Modern Love
Waiting For The Man
Queen Bitch
Walk On The Wild Side
I'm Deranged (jungle mix)
Red Sails
Diamond Dogs
John I'm Only Dancing (again)
I Can't Explain
Be My Wife
It's No Game (part 1)
V2 Schneider
Real Cool World
Heart's Filthy Lesson
China Girl
Let Me Sleep Beside You
I'm Afraid Of Americans
Jump They Say (Hard Hands mix)
You Belong In Rock'N'Roll
Rebel Rebel (1974 single version)
Space Oddity
Pablo Picasso
Hang On To Yourself
All The Young Dudes
Blue Jean
Beauty and the Beast
Life On Mars?
Suffragette City
Little Wonder
Friday on my Mind
Pallas Athena (Don't Stop Praying)
After Today
Satellite of Love
Hallo Spaceboy (Pet Shop Boys)
Cracked Actor
Scary Monsters
Boys Keep Swinging

"I just couldn't stop singing and dancing, lots of people going nuts, Trent dancing on the bar, lots of strangers commenting on how unreal it was to hear all this music in a club environment, lots of people there who just picked up the flyers and aren't a part of this community but stayed till stumps with the rest of us singing every single word like it was the last time we ever got to hear it, lots of people saying "this song rocks, I never thought I'd be dancing to it", one lady nearly falling over in astonishment that she'd never heard John I'm Only Dancing Again EVER, and if any Bowie song belongs in a club, that's it!!....."
- Cass

"After all those years I've danced in the living room alone, how amazing to do it with a whole club full of like-minded people!"
- Rachel

"What an amazing time. All my best friends and BOWIE in the same place at the same time.... along with the most amazing Bowiefans I have met over the past few days....Life doesn't get any better. Thanks to everyone for making our party such a success, I had the best night ever!!"
- Cass

"It was such a thrill to see/hear everyone yelling "It's No Game" at the top of their lungs! LOL!! The posters, video/visuals and music just couldn't have been better. It was so cool to see so many different types of fans there."
- Rachel

"Last night in particular was the stuff from where dreams are woven....and to see the thrilled look on the faces of fans both at the concert and at the Club afterward was utterly brilliant."
- Adam

"Couldn’t have ended it on a better note. The club was PACKED with wall-to-wall serious Bowie fans (the whole place sang every song, all night!)"
- Louise

"This party was fully supported by Bowienet (putting us on the news pages and also, Blammo helping us get onto Rove we accepted as a bit of a 'thank you' as well!), Sony/Columbia - donated all the cds for prizes, and not least by Bowie and the band who signed the A3 poster for Harry and also Bowie signed the big poster for the major prize so it was wonderful to have all our efforts officially acknowledged!"
- Cass

"Thank you so much to everyone who made all of this happen namely: (in no particular order) Cass, Georgina, Louise, Harry, Adam and anyone else who was involved in the organization of this great event. You have touched a lot of people and brightened many a lives for a long time im sure."
- Trent