were several reports in the press the following day about noise from the
concert. As one newspaper reported:
Bowie today received some noisy feedback from Queensland's
minister in charge of noise, Mr Russ Hinze, following the pop star's
open air concert last night.
pop singers come out here to make a quick quid by disturbing our peace
and tranquility," Mr Hinze said. "The fact that he's pommie as well
wouldn't help".
Hinze, who is the minister for local government, said the newly-formed
noise abatement authority will investigate complaints that last night's
Bowie concert at Lang Park, Brisbane, disturbed the peace. It
was reported that the noise was loud enough to be heard 6 km away. Residents
of the suburbs of Paddington, Bardon and Milton described it as "intolerable".

Brisbane 1978. Sent in by Selwyn. Photo taken by his girlfriend.